15th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference

Care/i Colleghe/i,

inoltro di seguito, su richiesta del comitato organizzatore, la segnalazione della 15th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference, che si terrà quest'anno a Napoli. A questo link sono invece riportate le informazioni relative ad un satellite meeting organizzato nell'ambito della medesima conferenza: https://www.enfc2023.org/index.php/marine-nitrogen

Cordiali saluti

Francesca Mapelli


Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 15th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference (ENFC 2023), to be held in Naples (Italy) 31st August – 3rd September 2023, it is a pleasure to inform that registration and abstract submission online procedures are active at https://www.enfc2023.org/index.php/home It will be also possible to sign up for the Satellite Meetings, for more information check the ENFC2023 website. The program of the conference is also available at https://www.enfc2023.org/index.php/conference-program Please feel free to forward this mail to colleagues who might also be interested in this Conference! Should you need any information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me or the organizing secretariat.

Kind regards,

Maurizio Chiurazzi